Look, I'm a SoCal girl. I like my food fast, greasy, and full of bad sh!t that'll kill me. I love chains. Yeah, I'll eat a salad, but I'm not going to go to McDonalds for it.
One Star off because I don't buy into all this organic, healthy sh!t. I can cook that at home. If I wanted an amazing meal, I'd go to a real restaurant.
But no. I just want some damn chicken nuggets, and you know what Berkeley?
2nd one off because I shouldn't need to 1) Get accosted by the crack heads that live here and the degenerates that work here
2) have an army of people escort me because I'm too afraid of the guy who likes to snatch people and drag them out.
3rd star off: Yeah, Its happened when I've come here. And no one does anything.
Goddamn it berkeley, f.u.c.k all your stupid crackhead bums.
4th star off for allowing people to live here! Seriously people, you're cool with it? Is this why there's no chains? I'm more scared of this McDonalds than the shadiest, rapiest, druggiest corners of LA.
They have CHICKEN NUGGETS! That's what gets a star.
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